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Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com

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Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


We have made mistakes in the past, may have caused pain to people around us, in this birth and many before. We do not need to think of what is already done, it's over, cannot be changed. Focus only on creating the right karma now.
Creating guilt, self criticism or self hatred about the past will deplete our power, and again create present karma of negative energy. We need the power to create right karma now, so focus only on the now.
When return of past karma comes to us as challenging situations or conflicts in relationships, we have to now respond to the situation with stability and positivity. Even if we are constantly receiving negative energy, we have to create and radiate only positive energy.
Even if we have one strong negative karmic account, it depletes the soul power and can affect our health and our relationships. Change the quality of that karmic account so that we enjoy all our other beautiful karmic relationships.
Everything that we do whether at work or in family, let us set our goals and use our skills and qualities to achieve them. The focus should be on our own journey, not in reference to others around us.
If we keep striving to go ahead of others and appear to be in a race, then stress, anxiety, fear and jealousy will be our normal emotions. 
If we focus only on our goal, then there will be no insecurity, we will be confident and motivated. This stability will keep give us the energy, which will empower us to achieve our goal. When we create insecurity and jealousy we will achieve less than our capacity.
It is because we want to go ahead of others, we compromise on our values, principles and ethics. Compromising on values depletes the power of the soul.

 Your Divine Friend

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


 Your Divine Friend

[Attachment(s) from BK.DR.Satyanarayan included below]

Norway - Atlantic Road

Never give way to anger - otherwise in one moment you could burn up the joy that you collected over a long period.

Model helicopter guided by power of thought

Determination is a combination of single-mindedness and flexibility.

When you are determined, you're sure of what you have to achieve and you're able to move in the right direction.
And when an obstacle comes your way, you're able to take it in your stride; like a river you can forge your route towards the destination.
Quality Transformation

Quality change is the capacity to transform negative situations, or circumstances, into something beneficial for one's self and others. Quality transformers are people who can turn walls of resistance into bridges of understanding and keep crossing them, who can change any obstacle into a stepping stone of success and can reverse the troubling, paralyzing dragon of doubt and insecurity into radiant self-confidence, dissolving the thought 'impossible' from the mind.

Such people work with the undercurrents of life that determine the external reality, of human interaction. These undercurrents are their attitudes, thoughts and feelings. If these undercurrents are filled with resentment, anger and selfishness, then, despite being polite and cooperative externally with people, relationships will be subject to damage and deterioration. On the other hand, when the undercurrent is filled with trust and sincerity, then the quality of life and relationships is enhanced. The fundamental source of quality is the existence of a positive undercurrent. It is not a matter of our words, actions or role (which is the external reality), but rather the foundation, the undercurrent i.e. the thoughts and the activity of the mind.

Meditation enables the mind to tune in to that undercurrent of thoughts, feelings, and attitudes, which is the invisible creator of our human reality. The nourishing power of silence, attained through meditation and spiritual knowledge, gives us the means to bring about quality transformation (change) in this undercurrent. Such change enhances our self-confidence and the capacity to creatively and positively relate to life as it is and face situations easily.
Soul Sustenance

Understanding What Is 'Time'

We created the concept of time to measure our experience of the space between events. Time passes only because we experience change. What is change? Change is only a series of events. So time is our experience of the speed of events. This explains why time seems to be moving faster today, because both the speed and the number of events are increasing. And it seems even faster if we participate in those events. If the speed and number of events was less, we would experience time to be moving slowly, as it used to be a little earlier in the history of mankind.

Today, sitting in our living rooms and offices, electronic, print and other media allows us to observe hundreds of events from all over the world, every day. To observe them actively is to participate in them. If you want to slow time down, learn to be a detached observer of the thousands of events around you – participate or observe actively only when necessary. If you want to stop time, meditate and be in your original, timeless, eternal consciousness. Meditation is after all an art of shutting down your senses and slowing down. Today, we fear time, as a result we hear ourselves saying many a times, "Hurry up, time is running out!" or "I hope to have more time tomorrow!' or "I need to save time!" Ultimately time, is our life: it cannot be saved or lost, but must be lived now. This is where your will-power is important - we can choose exactly how we spend our time at any moment.

Message for the day

To work with the inner happiness is to move forward with lightness.

Expression: Usually we do take care not to give sorrow to others, but we sometimes do take sorrow from the words and behaviour of others. This disturbs our own inner state and we are not able to work with lightness. Then we find that we are not able to be effective in our work and this further effects our inner state.

Experience: We need to pay special attention not to take sorrow from anyone. As much as we are careful not to give sorrow to others, we need to make sure we don't take any sorrow too. That means we need to remain light by keeping ourselves open to criticism. We need to take any criticism that comes our way in the right spirit and see that we learn from it without having any negative thoughts.

 Your Divine Friend


Attachment(s) from BK.DR.Satyanarayan

1 of 1 Photo(s)

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com



Six Reasons You Should Drink More Water!

You already know it - Water is a basic need for the survival of human beings. It is also a great healer.
Here are six reasons why you should drink a few more glasses!

1. Your Ultimate Mood Lifter!
Water works as a natural remedy in many ways. It helps to relieve headache and back pains caused due to dehydration. Water keeps your body rejuvenated and fresh. So, have plenty of God's own drink.

2. Water Fights Age Lines
You have tried so many anti-aging creams. Try water! It replenishes skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity. Water is a must for a younger looking skin.

3. A Perfect Headache Reliever
Popping pills may seem like the best idea to get relief from that constant headache. But, have you tried drinking water when your head was hurting loud? It works wonders as 90 per cent of headache may be due to dehydration.

4. Water Down those Love Handles
If you don't drink sufficient water, metabolism slows down. This means fats can't be processed as quickly as it should be leading to that not-so-wanted bulge. Your body needs eight to 10 glasses of water a day to fight that flab away.

5. End Asthma with Water!
Scarcity of water vapour in the lungs may constrict the airways and cause mucus in the lungs leading to an asthma attack. Doctors suggest that people with asthma must drink at least 10 glasses of water every day, along with a pinch of salt. Inhaling steam from a bowl or kettle can also do the trick.

6. Get Better with your Digestive System
Splashing water on your face can give you that glow, but have you ever wondered how you can cleanse your system without religiously reading those diet books? Drinking water helps clean up your digestive system, naturally.

Afghan Jagir



elementos simples - 2
sin embargo, no es viejo samovar
con Candy
un poco de té
tres mala persona
Bosque bouquet
más que un ave
Ussuri Bay.  mañana.
caminos forestales
Pescador y el Mar
esperando que el sol

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com



Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com
